Dog About Town – Loma Alta

    My Human and Me, we leave the house and, of course, say hi to my neighbor. We get to the next corner and a new neighbor is Bar-B-Qing and playing Smokey Robinson. We stop and talk for awhile. He gives My Human a rib, Human gives me a bite (selfish sapiens, just a bite?) and [...]

    By |2018-05-23T00:49:48+00:00May 22nd, 2018|Uncategorized|Comments Off on Dog About Town – Loma Alta

    I Want One!

    Dood: 'ey, I want one! Human:  Then go get you own. Dood:  Damn you and your opposable thumb!

    By |2015-09-19T23:46:46+00:00September 19th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on I Want One!

      The “SPHERE” ( patient pending)

      I caught the "SPHERE." ( patient pending) at the dog park. The 6 other dogs at the park couldn't do it. They've been trying for awhile. But, I beat 'em all.  Losers, yeah, I caught the "SPHERE"!!! (Trump reference).  I am dominated by the "SPHERE." ( patient pending). I chewed on it, I barked at it, I howled at it, (I even [...]

      By |2018-05-22T23:34:11+00:00September 12th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on The “SPHERE” ( patient pending)

      I may be a Dog, But…

      I keep hearing about this talk fest you humans are going to have. By the way, who's the guy with a dead cat on his head? So, ya got a bunch of humans who want to talk. Fine. Let 'em  talk. I keep hearing about how they're only gonna let a few of them talk. [...]

      By |2015-08-04T05:28:31+00:00August 4th, 2015|Uncategorized|Comments Off on I may be a Dog, But…
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